Dell has introduced the first Android-powered Tablet, the Dell Streak 7 through T-Mobile with 4G speeds. This is a sleek and compact multimedia enrich device that runs on latest Android Froyo 2.2 operating system. The Streak 7 comes up with a dual core 1GHz NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor and full support for Adobe® Flash® Player which is capable of loading tons of Applications. T-Mobile’s superfast HSPA + mobile broadband network will give a great speed to this device by accessing the web and loading the files at much faster speed. The phone supports all the wireless connections such as Wi-Fi for streaming videos and Bluetooth 2.0 for transferring files and streaming to external devices like headphones and speakers. It comes preloaded with dual camera, 32GB expandable card slot, 7 inch bright display, A-GPS, loads of entertainment features and much more.
The Dell streak 7 supports all kind of messages such as SMS, MMS and IM. Send a message or a photo to any wireless phone or e-mail address or stay connected using your choice of instant messenger services. You can send and receive messages from personal and work e-mail. The Dell Streak 7 has built-in support from the standard Google Talk instant messaging client.
The Dell Streak 7 is a great portable multimedia device having all the entertainment features and adorable gadgets to make it a perfect choice of millions.
Visit More Information - Dell Streak 7 Android Tablet
The Dell streak 7 supports all kind of messages such as SMS, MMS and IM. Send a message or a photo to any wireless phone or e-mail address or stay connected using your choice of instant messenger services. You can send and receive messages from personal and work e-mail. The Dell Streak 7 has built-in support from the standard Google Talk instant messaging client.
The Dell Streak 7 is a great portable multimedia device having all the entertainment features and adorable gadgets to make it a perfect choice of millions.
Visit More Information - Dell Streak 7 Android Tablet